The Administrator’s Guide to Planning a Field Trip

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Booking a field trip is no small undertaking. You’ll need to book a charter bus, budget for the trip, plan every small detail, have a contingency ready, and then execute on that plan. You might be responsible for groups of students as large as 30 or more in a single day. This brief guide is designed to give you some piece of mind throughout this process.

Booking Tips

The first tip involves booking the airport shuttle. It’s common sense, but book early and ask for permissions slips ahead of time so you can confirm a head count as soon as possible. You’re charged by mile, so if you’re going local then you can estimate costs by looking at the trip itself.

Request a quote for the shuttle bus over the phone or by email, and don’t be afraid to query more than one agency to find the best rate. Once your trip is confirmed, you will have more details about driver and type of bus. Be sure to follow up with any questions you may have before you pay.

Safety First

It’s important to develop a comprehensive safety plan in the event that things go wrong. This involves telling students where to meet if they become lost or separated from the group, and it also means carrying extra supplies on hand to take care of kids if something goes wrong. Carry all necessary emergency numbers on hand (stored in your phone), and make sure you’re calling services that will respond to that local area.

Pacific Coachways offers charter bus service for school and corporate events. To book a busyou’re your next function, contact

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