Safety Tips for Boating During the Winter

Summary: If you are set on heading out to the water during the winter, keep these safety tips in mind.


Taking your boat out into the water can be soothing and enjoyable. Connecting with the water and exploring can require a lot of practice but it can also be incredibly rewarding. Even if the wind is favorable, the waters are calm, and there are not many boats nearby, the technical skills required to safely maneuver a boat can still be challenging.


Boating during the colder winter months can be a dangerous and potentially life-threatening task, if you do not take the right precautions. During these months you may face rain, snow, and chilling winds. If you are set on boating, whether for fun or for business, make sure to come prepared to minimize the chances of something going wrong.


Dress for the Occasion


It should come as no surprise that the winter season can be particularly harsh on the body. Cold, crisp weather can leave you feeling cold, fatigued, and weak. Being out by the water can make you feel even colder. Equipment from places like Turtle-Pac are designed to handle extreme weather conditions. Human bodies, unfortunately, are not.


To prepare for the cold weather, wear thermal underwear, wool clothing, and thick layers that can protect your body. Scarves, ski masks, and thick socks can keep your most vulnerable areas secure, while water-resistant jackets can help prevent snow or water from giving you hypothermia.


Caring for Your Battery


Intense weather conditions can harm your boat battery. Exposing your boat battery to very high temperatures can harm it, but so can temperatures that are below freezing. A diesel fuel bladder can drastically extend the range of your boat trip but a weak battery will have you turning back to the dock sooner than planned. By using trickle-charge techniques you can prevent your boat battery from dying on you. This can be helpful if you do not have access to a covered storage space for your boat when it is not in use.

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